Thoughts, poetry, music, events, and reflections from the spiritual side of life and music by Jacquelyn Weitz.

"The Lord is My Light" Psalm 27:1

Friday, August 19, 2011

I feel as if
God placed His foot into the river
And said,
And it ran to me.

I feel as if
God stood before the hearts of all His children
And said,
And mine leapt from me. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

By Small and Simple Things

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."   Alma 37:6, The Book of Mormon

I have this scripture hanging on the wall next to my mirror... and I think about it often as I go to work practicing each day.  Sometimes the tediousness and minutia of the work becomes discouraging... but I always try to remember that great accomplishments come as the result of many small and often imperceptible steps.   

The words of this hymn come to my mind:

Press forward, Saints, with steadfast faith in Christ,
With hope’s bright flame alight in heart and mind,
With love of God and love of all mankind --
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleliua!