Thoughts, poetry, music, events, and reflections from the spiritual side of life and music by Jacquelyn Weitz.

"The Lord is My Light" Psalm 27:1

Monday, August 8, 2011

By Small and Simple Things

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."   Alma 37:6, The Book of Mormon

I have this scripture hanging on the wall next to my mirror... and I think about it often as I go to work practicing each day.  Sometimes the tediousness and minutia of the work becomes discouraging... but I always try to remember that great accomplishments come as the result of many small and often imperceptible steps.   

The words of this hymn come to my mind:

Press forward, Saints, with steadfast faith in Christ,
With hope’s bright flame alight in heart and mind,
With love of God and love of all mankind --
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleliua!

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