Thoughts, poetry, music, events, and reflections from the spiritual side of life and music by Jacquelyn Weitz.

"The Lord is My Light" Psalm 27:1

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Holy Spirit

I want to write a little bit today, about something I heard someone say in Stake Conference last week.

He was talking about the Holy Ghost, the voice which inspires us to do good in our hearts, and how it communicates with us.   He talked about how it is a very quiet voice, still and small.   So in order to hear it, we must take time to silence other things in our lives, in order to listen to it every day.  This means actual physical noises as well as other distractions.  

The thing that struck me about it was this:  There are so many voices in the world.  And they are all shouting at us about what we should do, how we should think, and how to spend our time.  And the voices of the world actually speak louder than the Holy Spirit's voice.  So if we are not actively trying to seek influence from God and his spirit, and actively shutting out other noises in order for us to be able to listen, we are most likely to miss the spirit's subtle whisperings.

 I have heard in my mind and felt in my heart this voice many times. It is a whisper in my soul, which comes as a thought or a feeling of rightness, of goodness, or peace.  It helps me to know what is right, when I cannot know of myself.  It directs me when I do not know which direction to take.  It comforts me when I am suffering.   Sometimes it comes as a feeling of uneasiness, of warning, of danger.  There have been multiple times in my life when I have not heeded the spirit's warnings and have regretted it.  And many times when I have heeded its promptings and then been so grateful for its guidance in my life.

I find I hear the voice of the Spirit generally much more clearly just after I have prayed.  I think my own direct communication with God opens up the communication line even wider for his Spirit to be able to directly communicate with me. 

After hearing the talk at Stake Conference I was inspired to try harder to listen to the Spirit's quiet whisperings.  I have felt a surge of help this week through many different personal struggles. I have been very aware of God's quiet strength accompanying me.   I am so grateful to him for this great blessing.


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