Thoughts, poetry, music, events, and reflections from the spiritual side of life and music by Jacquelyn Weitz.

"The Lord is My Light" Psalm 27:1

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Unto the furthest ends

I want to be clean and pure
Just as I was once before
I want to have all swept away
And never feel again the way
That I have felt so long.

All these things take time,
God knows our hearts
He knows our minds
He takes our hands and leads us
Through our lives
And helps us grow,
And helps us learn
One step at a time.

Our thoughts have been no secret
Our intentions no unknown
Though to some
We may conceal it
God has known us,
He has held us
All along....
And how he loves us.

Though I try to stay
All have fallen,
All but One.
If the life that I have painted
Could seem blameless unto some
Still God has seen me.

For I falter
And I stumble
And I fall
Again and again,
I return to the same sins.
And I shame Him
For He takes my shame -
He took it as His own.

If a light of goodness can be seen
Inside each of our eyes
God can see it
He is our Father, wise,
And all our deeds are no surprise
In His great vision.

If our Father
Who is in heaven
Sees each sparkle,
Sees each vein
Each streak of light -
Each thought of goodness
Every desire to do right -
 - In every soul -
Surely He views our souls as precious,
Surely He reaches out to help us,
Surely He loves us.

And though to Him my sins
Show just as plainly on my face
As does my faith,
He knows that if I choose to follow Him,
And turn to Him
With all my strength
The light He sees inside of me
Will win.

He sees...
And waits for me to reach to Him
In every grief
And each despair
And when I fall,
To know that He is there
Even in darkness
Even when I cannot bear the light
At all
He is still aware;
He is in the greatest depths
Because He has descended there.

He pulls me up -

Because His arm extends
Into the deepest dark,
Unto the furthest ends.

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