Thoughts, poetry, music, events, and reflections from the spiritual side of life and music by Jacquelyn Weitz.

"The Lord is My Light" Psalm 27:1

Monday, March 28, 2011


Can God illuminate my mind
So that I find
An avenue -
A dimension of truth
I never knew was there?

Can God open my soul
So in me flows
A source of truth
A river of light of which
I never was aware?

Can there be a time in which I see
That which I'd only dreamed to be
Can there be a place to which I go
Where thoughts expand and make this question
become as though
I've always known the answer?

I am not alone in the quest for truth,
But I believe there is One who
Already knows each answer.
Though he has withheld,
He knows that I will search;
Though he has gone unseen,
He knows that I will seek
Until I see and know -
and no longer believe.

Belief, if exercised,
Leads to experiment,
Leads to discovery,
And then to certainty.

Knowledge falls from heaven
As dew upon the flowers,
Not as April's showers,
But imperceptible and pure
As droplets formed in hours unknown,
Unseen by human eyes.

I exercise my faith,
I experiment on words
Spoken by men from ages past
I taste the gospel, sweet
And find a peace.

My quest begins then, here -
For if I so believe,
Then I have cause to search
Then I have cause to seek,
To find,
To know,
To reach
Until the truths
Of a voyage of discovery -
Born of dreams of unknown lands,
Born of faith in unseen hands -
Drop by drop
and hour by hour,
Reveal themselves to me.

If at length I see the shore,
Then I shall have faith no more
For once I see, then I shall know --
With utmost certainty.

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