Thoughts, poetry, music, events, and reflections from the spiritual side of life and music by Jacquelyn Weitz.

"The Lord is My Light" Psalm 27:1

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pre-competition jitters

(linked to:

I find the time just before a big concert or competition to be some of the most difficult... I always am nervous, and am never quite sure what exactly the best thing to do is to prepare myself... There are so many little things I think about - what, how, and how much to practice... what to eat (and how long before the concert to eat it), what to wear and how to do my hair and get where I need to go and what time I should show up at the hall and how much I should warm up.  I probably worry too much about all this stuff because really, at this point, I know it doesn't matter much.  The most important preparation I have done is already finished, and now I just have to enjoy the experience of sharing music.

But tomorrow I want to be in the moment...

 I once got a blessing from one of my church leaders in Montana, when I was really worried about an upcoming performance (where he laid his hands on my head and said things that he felt inspired to say, that he felt God wanted me to hear). He told me to be comforted - that the concert would go well, and told me to have faith in my talent.  I have thought about that experience a lot since then... and how I always put a lot of faith in God, but that God also wants me to have faith in myself, and in my abilities that he has given me and which I have worked hard to develop.  For a performer, I know this is essential.  It is just so difficult sometimes because every time I "put myself out there", there is a very real risk that something in the performance could go terribly wrong.   But last week, before I played in the first round of the competition, the thought came to me that -- yes, something could go wrong, there is always a risk something could go wrong. But I also know for a certainty that a lot of things will go right, and many things will happen that are good and beautiful.  I need to focus on that, and the knowledge that I can give the audience something special -- a beautiful musical experience, and this will be the case - in spite of anything that goes wrong.    That is the perspective I'd like to continue to keep, and to have tomorrow when I play in this final round at SFCM.


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